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Contacto, información y preguntas frecuentes

Utilice el siguiente formulario para hacer cualquier pregunta, ofrecer sugerencias o recibir un presupuesto personalizado en una sesión no cubierta por mis tarifas de reserva estándar.

Desplácese hacia abajo para obtener información adicional o respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes.

  • Is it worth having a photo booth at a wedding?
    Yes, having a photo booth at a wedding is worth it as it provides entertainment, encourages guest interaction, and creates lasting keepsakes. Both traditional and 360 booths offer unique ways to capture the celebration's joy and excitement.
  • How many pictures do you get from a photo booth?
    The number of pictures a photo booth can produce depends on the printer's output capacity. However, guests can usually take unlimited digital photos during the rental period, ensuring plenty of opportunities for capturing memories.
  • Are 360 photo booth rentals worth it?
    Yes, 360 photo booths are worth it because they offer a fun, unique and memorable experience for guests, capturing dynamic videos that traditional photo booths cannot. They also offer instant social media sharing capabilities, increasing the event's social reach.
  • How much do people charge for a 360 photo booth rental?
    The cost for renting a 360 photo booth varies depending on the location, event duration, and additional services offered, but prices typically range from $500 to $1500 per event. It's advisable to compare local providers for specific pricing and package details.
  • What does a 360 photo booth include?
    A 360 photo booth typically includes an operator, an app for capturing and share videos, business liability insurance, and props for guests to use. Optional additions like stanchions and enhanced lighting can further enhance the booth's appeal and functionality.
  • How many people can fit on a 360 photo booth?
    The number of people a 360 photo booth can accommodate depends on its size, with most setups comfortably fitting between 1 to 6 average-sized individuals. Ensure the booth you choose meets the needs of your event size.
  • Do you need a backdrop for a 360 photo booth?
    No, a backdrop is not strictly necessary for a 360 photo booth, but adding one can significantly enhance the visual appeal of the videos. Backdrops can provide thematic cohesion and additional branding opportunities for events.
  • What are some 360 photo booth ideas for corporate events?
    For corporate events, consider using branded props and backdrops to increase brand visibility. You can also encourage participants to share their 360 videos on social media with a specific event hashtag to enhance engagement and reach.
  • What are the disadvantages of a 360 photo booth?
    While there may be some challenges, such as the need for more space and potentially higher costs, these are easily outweighed by the fun and innovative experience they offer. Embrace the opportunity to create memorable moments that guests will talk about long after the event.
  • What equipment is needed for a 360 photo booth business?
    To start a 360 photo booth business, you'll need a sturdy and reliable platform, high-quality camera, supportive app software, and necessary lighting equipment. Additionally, props, a computer or tablet for operation, and reliable transport cases are essential.
  • How to share 360 booth photos with friends?
    360 booth photos and videos can be easily shared with friends by uploading them to social media platforms or messaging apps. You can also provide direct download links or QR codes for guests to access their captures instantly. iPhone users can share files directly using the airdrop feature.
  • Are mirror photo booths good for weddings?
    Yes, mirror photo booths are a great addition to weddings as they offer an interactive experience for guests. They combine the fun of traditional photo booths with the added flair of a touch screen mirror, allowing guests to customize their photos with drawings and signatures. They also provide high quality images by utilizing a hi-resolution DSLR camera.

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Preguntas frecuentes generales


P: ¿Entregas cada imagen que tomas?

R: No, no lo hago. Elimino imágenes duplicadas, tomas de prueba, tomas enfocadas perdidas, tomas con malas expresiones y otras imágenes que pueden diluir la entrega general del producto. Por ejemplo, debido a que disparo con aperturas bajas, a veces tomo algunas fotos adicionales para asegurarme de tener el enfoque perfecto. No espero que tenga la experiencia o el tiempo para hacer zoom en cada imagen para seleccionar la que tiene el enfoque más nítido, así que paso tiempo haciéndolo de nuestra parte. En otro ejemplo, las risas sinceras y las lágrimas emocionales son algunas de las mejores imágenes del día. Desafortunadamente, también pueden producir algunas expresiones faciales poco favorecedoras. Podríamos tomar algunos extras de cualquiera de estos momentos para asegurarnos de tener una gran toma con la expresión ideal para el momento. Puedo eliminar los que siento que son duplicados y solo entregar el mejor.


P: ¿Su estudio brinda servicios de videografía?

R: Sí. Para ver ejemplos de mis servicios de videografía,haga clic aquí


P: ¿Ha disparado en mi lugar antes?

R: He disparado en docenas de lugares, así que hay alguna posibilidad de que tenga. Sin embargo, si no lo he hecho, trataré de llegar al lugar temprano el día y me aseguraré de realizar un recorrido completo para buscar los mejores lugares para tomar fotografías. ¡También hago investigaciones en línea antes de tu gran día!


P: ¿Hacéis bodas de destino? ¿Qué cargos adicionales están asociados con las bodas de destino?

R: Si bien Chad Populis Photography tiene su sede en el área de Nueva Orleans y el sureste de Luisiana, puedo atender a clientes de todo el mundo. Mis paquetes de fotografía de bodas de destino incluyen el costo del viaje y las adaptaciones razonables 

P: ¿Su estudio hace fotos de rostros, retratos individuales, retratos familiares, sesiones de recién nacidos, fotografía comercial u otros tipos de fotografía?

R: Sí, tengo experiencia en muchos campos de la fotografía. 


P: ¿Hacéis fotos de Quinceañeras, Debutantes, Bah Mitzvahs, Fiestas, Discotecas o Eventos Corporativos?

R: actualmente, las bodas y los eventos relacionados con ellas son los únicos eventos que cubro.

Estilo y Calidad


P: ¿Cuál es tu estilo y filosofía con respecto a la fotografía?

R: Por naturaleza y hábito, soy un fotógrafo de estilo de vida, una mezcla de estilos callejero, urbano, de moda y documental. Por lo tanto, tiendo a ser atraído por los comportamientos y la belleza de las personas y las interacciones sociales, por lo que mis fotos tienden a capturar la emoción de la escena actual. Si bien obtener todas las fotos con poses y estilos es importante, buscar esos momentos sinceros que suceden orgánicamente es lo que realmente hace un gran portafolio. Como ocurre con la mayoría de los fotógrafos, los ángulos, las perspectivas, la exposición y cómo componemos nuestras imágenes siempre serán el centro de atención. Pero siempre se priorizará la iluminación para que sus fotos sean nítidas y enfocadas. La luz natural es lo que prefiero, pero muchas veces es necesaria una iluminación creativa adecuada para capturar algunos momentos.

P: Mi local es muy oscuro. ¿Cómo maneja su estudio estossituaciones, y ¿puedo ver muestras?

R: Si la situación lo permite, configuraremos iluminación adicional para asegurarnos de obtener imágenes enfocadas. Algunas capillas no permiten la fotografía con flash; y por esa razón, fotografío en cámaras con un excelente rendimiento en condiciones de poca luz y lentes con aperturas bajas.

Preguntas de postproducción

P: ¿Retocas todas las imágenes en nuestra descarga de imágenes?

R: Sí, lo hago. Cada imagen que entrego es postproducida con mi estilo característico de postproducción. Esto implica corrección de color, ajuste de exposición, procesamiento selectivo de blanco y negro, ajustes de claridad, mapeo de tonos y otras correcciones. Muchos fotógrafos no publicarán ninguna imagen o solo publicarán imágenes "seleccionadas" de su boda. Esto significa que es posible que tenga imágenes demasiado oscuras, que tenga tonos de piel extraños u otros defectos fotográficos comunes.

Preguntas sobre el día de la boda

P: ¿Qué capturas ycómo ¿Cuánto tiempo sugieres que reservemos para las fotos del día de la boda?

1. Anillos, Vestido, zapatos y otros detalles - 30 min. - Temprano AM - Suite de la novia

2. Preparación, Maquillaje, peinado, etc. - 30 min.- Late AM - Suite de los Novios

3. Retratos individuales de novios - 30 min. - Tarde - Lugar adecuado

4. Detalle del lugar de la ceremonia - 15 min. - Tarde - Lugar

5. Detalle del lugar de recepción - 15 min. - Tarde - Lugar

6. Fiesta de bodas con la novia/novio - 30 min - Tarde - Lugar

7. Familia inmediata (padres, abuelos, hermanos) - 15 min. - Tarde - Ubicación adecuada

8. Formales (amigos, familia extendida e invitados selectos) - 15 min. - Evento

9. Sesión de Parejas - 30 min - Lugar Temprano en la tarde/Anochecer - Lugar

Incluyendo todos los eventos dedicados a la ceremonia (procesión de la fiesta nupcial, el beso, el intercambio de anillos, etc.) y la recepción (primer baile, corte del pastel, etc.), así como los momentos espontáneos seleccionados por el fotógrafo (niños bailando, alegría entre amigos, interacción de los novios, etc.).

P: ¿Qué sucede si superamos el tiempo contratado?

R: Entiendo que no todo sale según lo planeado durante una boda. Nunca hago las maletas antes del tiempo contratado y, además, no salgo en punto cuando se acaba el tiempo contratado. En cambio, le preguntaré al final de su tiempo contratado si desea extenderlo o no. Si desea que me quede, cobraré las tarifas especificadas en su contrato redondeadas al incremento de 30 minutos más cercano.

Sesiones de compromiso

P: ¿Cuándo podemos esperar ver nuestras fotos de nuestra sesión de compromiso?

R: La posproducción de las sesiones de participación se completa de 4 a 6 semanas después de la fecha de la filmación. Si necesita que las imágenes se completen antes de 6 a 8 semanas después de la fecha de la toma, se cobrará una tarifa de proceso urgente de $100.00.


P: ¿Cuándo debemos hacer nuestra sesión de compromiso?

R: Te animo a que hagas tu sesión de compromiso lo antes posible. Lo último que sugiero es al menos 6-8 semanas antes de la fecha de la boda debido al tiempo necesario para publicar cada imagen y completar su(s) pedido(s) de productos.


P: ¿Cuántas imágenes entrega normalmente de una sesión de participación? ¿De una boda?

Por lo general, entrego entre 30 y 50 imágenes por sesión de compromiso de 2 horas y, para una boda, generalmente entrego entre 40 y 50 imágenes por hora. Tenga en cuenta que estos números pueden aumentar o disminuir según el flujo del día y la cantidad de eventos/actividades que deben capturarse.

P: ¿Cuándo y dónde podemos ver nuestras fotos de compromiso?

Las imágenes de su sesión de compromiso se completarán no más de 6 semanas después de la fecha de la sesión. Si necesita que las imágenes se completen antes de las 6 semanas posteriores a la fecha de su sesión, se cobrará una tarifa de edición urgente de $ 100.00.

Álbumes, Impresiones, Libros

P: ¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en recibir mi álbum?

Al igual que con mis otros productos, los tiempos de producción varían. Sin embargo, normalmente puede esperar recibir su álbum entre 6 y 12 semanas después de la fecha del evento. El proceso previo a realizar el pedido varía en duración dependiendo de qué tan rápido termine su diseño y cuántos otros eventos pueden tomar algún tiempo.

P: ¿Cuántas páginas e imágenes tenemos en nuestro álbum del día de la boda?

R: Mi álbum de fotografía exclusivo de Chad Populis contiene de 25 a 40 páginas y más de 125 imágenes. Si desea agregar más páginas e imágenes, cada página adicional se puede agregar a un costo adicional e incluye el tiempo de diseño/revisiones.

P: ¿Puedo agregar más páginas e imágenes a mi álbum?

R: Cada página adicional se puede agregar por un costo adicional e incluye el tiempo de diseño/revisiones.

P: ¿También brindan servicios de enmarcado?

R: No proporcionamos servicios de enmarcado; sin embargo, ofrecemos a la venta marcos impresos en lienzo.

P: ¿Cómo empiezo a trabajar en mi álbum de bodas?

  1. Diseño inicial: elijo las imágenes y el diseño y luego diseñaré el álbum y te enviaré un enlace donde puedes revisarlo.

  2. Revisión importante: cuando reciba su borrador, revíselo en detalle con el entendimiento de que esta es mi interpretación creativa de la historia del día de su boda. Cualquier cambio debe ser expresado inmediatamente.

  3. Revisión menor: después de comunicar los cambios iniciales, rediseñaré el álbum y enviaré un segundo borrador. sin embargo, cualquier cambio de diseño puede resultar en tarifas adicionales.

  4. Enviar a Imprimir – Luego de realizadas estas revisiones, se envía a retoque y luego a imprimir.


Descarga de imágenes y preguntas legales

P: ¿Hasta qué tamaño podemos imprimir nuestras fotos con nuestra descarga de imágenes de resolución completa?

R: En la mayoría de los casos, puede imprimir sus fotos hasta 12×18 sin pérdida de calidad. Si desea imprimir más de 12 × 18, se requerirá posproducción adicional. 

P: ¿Qué derechos tengo sobre las impresiones digitales?

R: Tiene derecho a reimprimir las imágenes cuando lo desee. Sin embargo, no puede vender sus imágenes con fines de lucro ni publicar sus imágenes sin el consentimiento por escrito de Chad Populis Photography.

P: ¿Proporcionan los archivos RAW de mi sesión de compromiso y/o el día de la boda?

R: Cada uno de mis paquetes viene con una descarga de imagen de resolución completa. Sin embargo, normalmente no proporciono archivos RAW (sin procesar) de nuestras tomas porque creemos en entregar un producto terminado. De hecho, a menudo filmamos pensando en el producto final (post-producido). Sin embargo, en ocasiones, podemos proporcionar imágenes RAW junto con nuestros archivos JPEG posproducidos por una tarifa y restricciones adicionales.

P: ¿Proporcionan los negativos digitales después de la sesión?

R: Sí, lo hacemos. Todos mis paquetes vienen con descarga de imagen de resolución completa.


P: ¿Qué sucede si pierdo mis imágenes?

R: El reemplazo de la imagen es gratis el primer año. Hay un cargo de reemplazo de $100 por descargas adicionales después de que el evento se haya archivado después de un año. Le sugiero encarecidamente que haga al menos una copia de la descarga cuando la reciba de mí.


P: ¿Qué tipo de cámara/equipo usas?


Camera 1, Main:               Sony A7R III     - para configuraciones fijas, tomas formales, imágenes con poca luz, detalles finos

Cámara 2, secundaria:    Sony A7 III       - para rango de zoom y sinceridad, detalles finos

Camera 3, Backup:           Sony A7C           _cc781905-5cde-3194-bbbad3b5-15


Sigma12-24mmf4.5-5.6                ZOOM ULTRA GRAN ANGULAR: fotos de bienes raíces y paisajes

Sony FE 24-105 mmf4          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_        EXPANDED ZOOM LENS: weddings, events, portraits and street fotografía

Viltrox 85mmf1.8          _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_        SHORT TELEPHOTO PRIME LENS: portraits, beauty and low light situations

Tamron SP 70-300mmf4-5.6     MEDIUM TELEPHOTO ZOOM LENTE: naturaleza, exteriores, retratos y deportes

Sony FE 28mmf/2.0          _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_  LENTE GRAN ANGULAR PRIME: fotografía callejera, situaciones de poca luz

Sony FE 55mmf1.8          _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_    LENTE PRINCIPAL ESTÁNDAR: retratos, estilo de vida, fotografía callejera y en situaciones de poca luz

minolta 100mmf/2.8 Macro          MACRO PRIME LENTE: para retratos, exteriores y primeros planos

tamron 20mmf2.8          _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_     LENTE PRINCIPAL DE GRAN ANGULAR: se usa para capturar video de gran angular

Sony FE 28-60f4-5.6          _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_        STANDARD ZOOM LENS: used to capture video

Otro equipo:

DJI Mavic aireCuadricóptero - Captura imágenes aéreas

Picudo Zhiyun SEstabilizador motorizado de cardán: elimine imágenes de video inestables

Grúa Zhiyun 2estabilizador de cardán motorizado: elimine las imágenes de video inestables

gopro hero7Action Cam: capture imágenes de acción, deportes y exteriores

Ricoh Theta SC2Cámara 360: captura imágenes de 360 grados

(4) flashes HSS TTL: para iluminación portátil y creativa

(2) Luces estroboscópicas de estudio portátiles alimentadas por batería: para iluminación portátil y creativa

(2) Micrófonos lavalier inalámbricos: graba audio inalámbrico en el sujeto.

(2) Micrófonos boom en la cámara: graba audio direccional en la cámara.

(4) Micrófonos XLR: grabe audio con cable para podcasts y entrevistas.


También proporcione numerosos soportes de luz, modificadores de luz, iluminación continua, iluminación portátil, varillas de iluminación de colores y otros accesorios necesarios de audio, video e iluminación.


P: ¿Cómo los reservo para mi cita?
R: Todas las fechas están reservadas una vez que haya recibido su contrato firmado (o acuerdo formal por escrito) y el depósito.

P: Si cancelamos la boda, ¿recibiremos nuestra tarifa de depósito?
R: Desafortunadamente, no. las tarifas de depósito se utilizan para reservar su fecha. Una vez que hayamos reservado su fecha, no acepto nuevos clientes para su fecha.

Photographer FAQs
Wedding FAQs
Boudoir FAQs

Boudoir Photography Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is boudoir photography?

A: Boudoir photography is a type of photography that is intimate, romantic, and sensual. It focuses on the beauty and sensuality of the subject, typically featuring them in lingerie or other revealing clothing and poses. typical subjects are usually individual women, but can also capture men, women of all genders and also couples and groups. 

Q: Why should I do a boudoir photography shoot?

A: Boudoir photography is a great way for women to celebrate their bodies, capture their beauty, and boost their self-confidence. It’s a fun and empowering experience that can remind women of their strength and beauty. It’s also a great way to create a fun, sexy, and unique gift for a loved one or just for yourself.


Q: Is boudoir photography appropriate for all ages?

A: Boudoir photography is typically intended for adults and is not typically recommended for subjects under the age of 18. here at Chad Populis photography, we will not shoot any boudoir sessions with those younger than 18 years of age.


Q: What should I wear for a boudoir photoshoot?

A: It’s up to you! The goal of a boudoir shoot is to create images that emphasize the subject's femininity/masculinity, beauty/strength, and sensuality. Therefore, the clothing should be carefully selected to help you best express yourself. Common wardrobe choices include lingerie, robes, nightgowns, corsets, and bodystockings. It is also recommended to bring a few creative pieces of clothing that express your style. You can choose to wear any outfit that makes you feel comfortable and confident. You can also choose to wear nothing at all for a tasteful nude boudoir shoot. 

Q: How much does a boudoir photoshoot cost?

A: The cost of a boudoir photoshoot can vary depending on a number of factors such as the photographer, the location, and the number of photos you'd like to have taken and the type of print products you select. You can expect boudoir photoshoots to range in price from $300-$1000.


Q: What should I expect during my boudoir photoshoot?

A: Most boudoir photoshoots will begin with a consultation with the photographer so they can get to know you and understand your vision for the photoshoot. During the photoshoot, your photographer will guide you through different poses and provide direction to ensure you look your best in the photos. After the photoshoot, you will be able to review your photos and choose the ones you’d like to keep.

Q: How do I prepare for my boudoir session?

A: The most important thing is to feel comfortable and confident in your own skin. You can also prepare by talking with your boudoir photographer about what you would like to capture in your session, and discussing any props or outfits you would like to incorporate. Additionally, it can be helpful to do some makeup and hair practice prior to your session.

Q: What is the best time of day to schedule a boudoir session?

A: To ensure the best quality photographs, boudoir photography is typically done during the mornings or late afternoons when the natural light is best. It’s also important to consider the subject’s own natural light as some people look better in the evening or during mid-day because of skin tone. However, boudoir can be shot at anytime of day with the use of artificial lighting techniques that create an initmate and sensual atmosphere.

Q: Is boudoir photography appropriate for everyone?

A: Yes! Boudoir photography can be a positive experience for everyone regardless of age, gender, or body type, as the focus is on celebrating all that makes the subject unique.

Q: What are the benefits of couples boudoir photography?

A: Couples boudoir photography can help couples strengthen their bond, build confidence and self-esteem, and create a lasting reminder of their love for each other. It can be a romantic date night idea.

Q. What types of lingerie should plus size women wear when doing a boudoir shoot?

A. When shooting a plus size boudoir shoot, the model should look for lingerie that enhances the positive features they love to show off. Opt for tops and bottoms that fit well, pieces with strategic accents like ruffles or bows, corsets and baby dolls.




Professional Business Headshots


Q: How much do professional headshots typically cost?

A: Headshot photography prices vary greatly depending on the session, the number of retouched images, and any additional services such as hair and makeup. On average, however, professional headshots in the area cost between $250 and $500.


Q: How long does a headshot session usually take?

A: The duration of one business headshot session can range from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The time of a session usually depends on the number of poses/clothing/backgrounds and the type of images you need for your branding.


Q: What should I wear for my business headshot session?

A: It is always best to wear solid, simple and neutral colors for your headshot session. Bold prints, stripes, and large logos should be avoided. You should also wear something that fits your body type so that the emphasis is on your facial features not your clothing.

Q. How should I prepare for my professional head shot session?

A. It's important to plan ahead for your real estate headshot session. To ensure you get the most out of your realtor headshots session, it's important to bring a few different looks, practice your poses in advance, and be prepared to experiment with different expressions.


Q: Is there any way to retouch my professional head shots?

A: Yes. We can hand retouch images where I enhance your headshots to make them look their best. This process can include color correction, removal of blemishes, wrinkles, and other skin flaws. Most retouching is minimal in order to keep them looking natural and like you.


Q: Is there a certain distance that is recommended for the photographer to stand when taking my headshots?

A: Generally, the farther away the photographer is from you the wider shot they can get. Generally, a good distance is around 5-7 feet away from the subject.


Q: Should I smile or have a neutral expression on my headshots?

A: This depends on what you need the headshots for. If you're looking for a more professional look, it's best to go with a neutral expression. However, if you want something more casual or quirky then you can go with a slight smile.

Q: How long does it take to get the headshots back from the photographer?

A: Generally, it takes about 7-10 days to receive business headshots from the photographer. This varies by session type. Same day and next day options are availablke for a fee.

Q. What should I expect after the professional head shot session?

A. After your headshot session, you will typically be sent a link to an online gallery where you can select your favorite images from your session. Your headshot photographer will then retouch and deliver a set of professionally edited headshot images for you to use.

Q. Can I bring a friend or a family member to my session?

A. Yes, you can bring a friend or a family member to your session as long as they don't interfere with the photo shoot.

Q. Can we see our professional headshot photos before they are fully edited?

A. Yes, we will provide a sneak peek of the photos before they are edited and finalized.

Q. What image format and size will be provided?

A. The images are typically provided as high-quality JPEG files in various sizes to suit various needs.



Q: How many acting headshots should an actor get taken?

A: It depends on what the actor's needs are, but generally 2-3 looks are recommended. Some actors may want to capture a variety of looks, while others might just want one look. We typically aim to provide a cinematic look and a business headshot as well as a variety of other facial expressions and poses to add variety to your acting portfolio.


Q: What should an actor expect during their headshots session?

A: During a professional actor headshot session, the photographer will help the actor to adjust their clothing and positions for the best possible angles and lighting. They will also take several frames to increase the chances of getting the perfect shot.

Q. Can I bring more than one outfit to my headshot photo session?

A. Yes, you can! It’s always a good idea to bring multiple outfits to your headshot session so you have multiple looks to choose from after your session.


Q. When should I get new headshots taken?

A. Typically, you should consider getting new headshots taken at least once per year. Of course, this can vary slightly depending on the industry you’re in and the type of roles you’re auditioning for.


Q. What should I wear to my actor headshot session?

A. When selecting clothing for your actor headshot session, it's important to choose items that best represent the roles you are pursuing. Your clothing should be simple, comfortable, and solid-colored. Avoid wearing logos, jewelry, and busy patterns, as these can be distracting in your photos.

Seniors and Graduates

Q. What should I wear for my senior portrait session?

A. It’s best to pick an outfit that fits your personal style and that you feel great in. You may also want to do a look test in advance to make sure the colors don't blend in with the backdrop. You may also want to bring additional accessories such as accessories, scarves, and hats. We also recommend a professional look as these photos can serve as a professional portrait and headshot as well.


Q. How far in advance should I book my graduation photography session?

A. To ensure you get your desired date and time, it’s recommended to book your grad photography session at least a few months in advance.


Q. What should I do to prepare for my graduation photoshoot?

A. To ensure you look your best, be sure to get enough rest the night before. Bring any props you want to incorporate into your session and check to make sure your clothes and hair are wrinkle-free and styled how you want them for your photos.


Q. Should I bring any props for my session?

A. Yes! Props can help to make your senior photos more unique and fun. Consider bringing anything that is meaningful to you such as a jacket, trophy, letterman jacket, or a sports related item. 


Q. What type of products does the studio offer?

A. Click HERE to view a price list of the print products we offer. You can also order custom printed items directly from you online gallery!


Q. What happens if the weather is bad?

A. If the weather is bad we will reschedule your session. Talk to your graduate photographer to discuss the plan of action if inclement weather is a possibility on your scheduled date.


Q. How long will my graduation photoshoot session last?

A. The length of your session depends on the package you have purchased. Generally, most sessions will last an hour or two.

Corporate Headshots

Q. How should I prepare for a corporate headshot photography session?

A. For your corporate photoshoot, you should prepare by ensuring that everyone is on time and dressed appropriately in business attire. It is also a good idea to practice some poses in advance and pick a headshot outfit that fits your company’s image.


Q. How long do corporate photography headshot sessions last?

A. Corporate headshot sessions typically last between 30 minutes to 4 hours depending on the size of the group.


Q. How many headshot photos will be taken during the session?

A. The number of photos taken during a session depends on the size and speed of the group. Generally speaking, you can expect at least one to two headshot photos per person.


Q. Are there any retouching or editing options available?

A. Yes, but very minimally. We try our best to get ensure the image looks its best in camera with the use of  proper lighting and posing techniques.

Q. What should I wear for a corporate headshot session?

A. It is important to wear clothing that reflects the culture of your team and company. Business casual attire is recommended, , such as a suit and tie, dress shirts, slacks, skirts, or similar professional attire. It is important to avoid anything too distracting, avoid wearing busy patterns or clothing with non-company logos or branding.


Q. For what purposes will the Team headshots photos be used?

A. The photos are typically used for websites, LinkedIn headshot, company brochures, and other corporate marketing materials.


Q. What should I do if some members of the team cannot attend on the day?

A. It is best to reschedule the session or take photos of the absent members separately at a later date. 


Q. How soon after the session will I receive the photos?

A. On average you can expect to receive the finished photos within 5 to 7 business days. Expedited services are available for and additional fee


Q. What is the best way to book a corporate team headshot session?

A. The best way to book a corporate team headshot session is to contact us directly to discuss your requirements and request a quote or book one of our pre-priced team packages on our BOOKING page

Q. How often should we update our company headshots?

A. It depends on the specific needs of your company, but typically it is recommended to update executive headshots every 3 or 4 years to keep the images up-to-date.


Q. Do you offer single-person headshot sessions?

A. Yes, we do offer single-person headshot sessions. These sessions typically start at sixty minutes in length and are tailored to capture the essence of the individual.


Q. Is there an additional charge for extra poses or edits?

A. Yes, there may be an additional fee depending on the scale of your project. Please discuss all details with your headshot photographer prior to scheduling your session.

Headshot FAQs

Corporate Event Photography Frequently Asked Questions

Event FAQs

Q. What does event photography involve?

A. Event photography usually involves taking photos of guests and events, capturing special moments and often documenting an event from start to finish.

Fashion Modeling Frequently Asked Questions
Photography FAQs

Q. What is model photography?

A. Model photography is a type of photography that focuses on capturing shots of a person as a model. It involves creative expression, experimentation, and attention to detail to capture the model in desired poses and lighting.

Q. Are there any poses that work well for model photography?

A. Yes - there are some poses that naturally produce flattering and artistic results. These poses are often referred to as "classic" or "iconic" poses, and they include the power stance, the basic fashion model pose, and the action pose, among others. We have reference charts in our studio and our photographers are trained in standard poses.

MATERNITY PHOTOGRAPHY Frequently Asked questions

Q. How long do maternity photography sessions last?

A. Most maternity portrait sessions last between 1-2 hours.

Q. What should I wear for a maternity photography session?

A. Many maternity portrait sessions are best when you wear clothes that flatter your figure. Such as dresses with bright colors and patterns. Wed love for you to wear something shows off that belly bump!

Real Estate Photography Frequently Asked questions

Q. What advantages do I get from hiring a professional real estate photographer?

A. I have many years of training and experience in shooting in a variety of lighting conditions, understanding angles and the space of your property, as well as the ability to capture high quality images that will attract more buyers to your property. 

Car Photography Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the service area for your automotive photography services?

A: We serve the greater New Orleans area within 30 miles of zip code 70056. We offer travel services 


Q: What type of photography style do you offer for automotive photography?

A: We specialize highlighting the interior, exterior and details of the vehicle at desired locations showcasing the best suited environment and surrounding


Q: What type of cameras and lenses do you use when shooting cars?

A: We primarily use Sony mirrorless cameras and fast, professional lenses for both interior and exterior automotive shots.


Q: What sort of lighting technology do you employ during shoots?

A: We typically use a combination of natural lighting (when available) and studio lights and reflectors to achieve the best results.


Q: Is post-processing included in the rates for automotive shoots?

A: Our rates for automotive photography make post-processing costs as part of the overall package, so you will not be charged separately for image editing and color correction or other necessary post-processing works.


Q: What types of images will I receive after the shoot?

A: When you hire us for your automotive photography services, you will receive high-resolution images in JPEG format in a downloadable and shareable online gallery.


Q: What is the expected turn-around time after the shoot is complete?

A: Our turn-around time depends on the number of images requested, but typically we require 2–5 business days to process the shoot.


Q: What types of payments do you accept?

A: We accept all major credit cards, as well as PayPal, cashapp, Zelle, and cash payments.


Q: Do you offer drone photography services for cars?

A: Yes, we offer custom drone photography services to capture the vehicle from above and create unique aerial shots.


Q: What is included in the pricing for automotive photography services?

A: Pricing for automotive photography services includes setup, shoot time, post-processing, and delivery of final images.


Q: Do you offer discounts for multiple shoots?

A: Yes, we offer discounts for multiple shoots and consultations to ensure you get the best deal possible.

Common Questions about Commercial Product Photography

Q. What type of product photography services do you offer?

A. We offer a broad range of product photography services, including product photography for individual items, product photography for catalogs, lifestyle product photography, and more.

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